Source code for libreco.algorithms.graphsage

"""Implementation of GraphSage."""
from .torch_modules import GraphSageModel
from ..bases import ModelMeta, SageBase
from ..graph import NeighborWalker
from ..torchops import set_torch_seed

[docs]class GraphSage(SageBase, metaclass=ModelMeta, backend="torch"): """*GraphSage* algorithm. See :ref:`GraphSage` for more details. .. NOTE:: This algorithm is implemented in PyTorch. .. CAUTION:: GraphSage can only be used in ``ranking`` task. .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 Parameters ---------- task : {'ranking'} Recommendation task. See :ref:`Task`. data_info : :class:`` object Object that contains useful information for training and inference. loss_type : {'cross_entropy', 'focal', 'bpr', 'max_margin'}, default: 'cross_entropy' Loss for model training. paradigm : {'u2i', 'i2i'}, default: 'i2i' Choice for features in model. - ``'u2i'`` will combine user features and item features. - ``'i2i'`` will only use item features, this is the setting in the original paper. embed_size: int, default: 16 Vector size of embeddings. n_epochs: int, default: 10 Number of epochs for training. lr : float, default 0.001 Learning rate for training. lr_decay : bool, default: False Whether to use learning rate decay. epsilon : float, default: 1e-8 A small constant added to the denominator to improve numerical stability in Adam optimizer. amsgrad : bool, default: False Whether to use the AMSGrad variant from the paper `On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond <>`_. reg : float or None, default: None Regularization parameter, must be non-negative or None. batch_size : int, default: 256 Batch size for training. num_neg : int, default: 1 Number of negative samples for each positive sample. dropout_rate : float, default: 0.0 Probability of a node being dropped. 0.0 means dropout is not used. remove_edges : bool, default: False Whether to remove edges between target node and its positive pair nodes when target node's sampled neighbor nodes contain positive pair nodes. This only applies in 'i2i' paradigm. num_layers : int, default: 2 Number of GCN layers. num_neighbors : int, default: 3 Number of sampled neighbors in each layer num_walks : int, default: 10 Number of random walks to sample positive item pairs. This only applies in 'i2i' paradigm. sample_walk_len : int, default: 5 Length of each random walk to sample positive item pairs. margin : float, default: 1.0 Margin used in `max_margin` loss. sampler : {'random', 'unconsumed', 'popular', 'out-batch'}, default: 'random' Negative sampling strategy. The ``'u2i'`` paradigm can use ``'random'``, ``'unconsumed'``, ``'popular'``, and the ``'i2i'`` paradigm can use ``'random'``, ``'out-batch'``, ``'popular'``. - ``'random'`` means random sampling. - ``'unconsumed'`` samples items that the target user did not consume before. This can't be used in ``'i2i'`` since it has no users. - ``'popular'`` has a higher probability to sample popular items as negative samples. - ``'out-batch'`` samples items that didn't appear in the batch. This can only be used in ``'i2i'`` paradigm. start_node : {'random', 'unpopular'}, default: 'random' Strategy for choosing start nodes in random walks. ``'unpopular'`` will place a higher probability on unpopular items, which may increase diversity but hurt metrics. This only applies in ``'i2i'`` paradigm. focus_start : bool, default: False Whether to keep the start nodes in random walk sampling. The purpose of the parameter ``start_node`` and ``focus_start`` is oversampling unpopular items. If you set ``start_node='popular'`` and ``focus_start=True``, unpopular items will be kept in positive samples, which may increase diversity. seed : int, default: 42 Random seed. device : {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default: 'cuda' Refer to `torch.device <>`_. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Accept str type ``'cpu'`` or ``'cuda'``, instead of ``torch.device(...)``. lower_upper_bound : tuple or None, default: None Lower and upper score bound for `rating` task. See Also -------- GraphSageDGL References ---------- *William L. Hamilton et al.* `Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs <>`_. """ def __init__( self, task, data_info, loss_type="cross_entropy", paradigm="i2i", embed_size=16, n_epochs=20, lr=0.001, lr_decay=False, epsilon=1e-8, amsgrad=False, reg=None, batch_size=256, num_neg=1, dropout_rate=0.0, remove_edges=False, num_layers=2, num_neighbors=3, num_walks=10, sample_walk_len=5, margin=1.0, sampler="random", start_node="random", focus_start=False, seed=42, device="cuda", lower_upper_bound=None, ): super().__init__( task, data_info, loss_type, paradigm, embed_size, n_epochs, lr, lr_decay, epsilon, amsgrad, reg, batch_size, num_neg, dropout_rate, remove_edges, num_layers, num_neighbors, num_walks, sample_walk_len, margin, sampler, start_node, focus_start, seed, device, lower_upper_bound, ) self.all_args = locals() def build_model(self): set_torch_seed(self.seed) self.neighbor_walker = NeighborWalker(self, self.data_info) self.torch_model = GraphSageModel( self.paradigm, self.data_info, self.embed_size, self.batch_size, self.num_layers, self.dropout_rate, ).to(self.device)