Online Computing Serving#

The previous Python Serving Guide does have one drawback: all the information are precomputed offline. So recommendations can’t be generated based on real-time features or user behavior sequences during serving, which makes the service less flexible.

Starting from version 1.2.0, we have introduced online computing serving to address this limitation. The procedure is quite similar, except that you can specify the user features and sequences in the request.

Please note that not all models support online computing:

  • Supporting user features: WideDeep, FM, DeepFM, AutoInt, TwoTower.

  • Supporting sequences: RNN4Rec, Caser, WaveNet.

  • Supporting both: YouTubeRetrieval, YouTubeRanking, DIN.

Seq model#

Below is an example usage that uses RNN4Rec with dynamic behavior sequence:

>>> from libreco.algorithms import RNN4Rec
>>> from import DatasetPure
>>> from libserving.serialization import save_online, online2redis

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetPure.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = RNN4Rec(...)
>>>  # train model
>>> path = "online_model"  # specify model saving directory
>>> save_online(path, model, version=1)  # save model in json format
>>> online2redis(path, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)  # load json from path and save model to redis

Online computing models all depend on TensorFlow Serving for inference, so we should start tf serving first. For more details see TensorFlow Model:

$ MODEL_NAME=rnn4rec
$ MODEL_PATH=online_model
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=$(pwd) -e MODEL_BASE_PATH=$(pwd)/${MODEL_PATH} -e MODEL_NAME=${MODEL_NAME} tensorflow/serving:2.8.2

When making request, the seq parameter should be a list:

$ sanic sanic_serving.online_deploy:app --dev --access-logs -v --workers 1  # run sanic server

# make requests
$ python --user 1 --n_rec 10 --algo online --seq '[1, 2, 3]'
$ curl -d '{"user": 1, "n_rec": 10, "seq": [1, 2, 3]}' -X POST
# {'Recommend result for user 1': ['1196', '480', '260', '2028', '1198', '1214', '780', '1387', '1291', '1197']}

Feat model#

Below is an example usage that uses TwoTower with dynamic user features:

>>> from libreco.algorithms import TwoTower
>>> from import DatasetFeat
>>> from libserving.serialization import save_online, online2redis

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetFeat.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = TwoTower(...)
>>> path = "online_model"
>>> save_online(path, model, version=1)
>>> online2redis(path, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)
$ MODEL_NAME=twotower
$ MODEL_PATH=online_model
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=$(pwd) -e MODEL_BASE_PATH=$(pwd)/${MODEL_PATH} -e MODEL_NAME=${MODEL_NAME} tensorflow/serving:2.8.2

When making request, the user_feats parameter should be a dict:

$ sanic sanic_serving.online_deploy:app --dev --access-logs -v --workers 1  # run sanic server

# make requests
$ python --user 1 --n_rec 10 --algo online --user_feats '{"sex": "F", "age": 10}'
$ curl -d '{"user": 1, "n_rec": 10, "user_feats": {"sex": "F", "age": 10}}' -X POST
# {'Recommend result for user 1': ['1196', '480', '260', '2028', '1198', '1214', '780', '1387', '1291', '1197']}

Feat & Seq model#

Below is an example usage that uses DIN with dynamic user features and sequences:

>>> from libreco.algorithms import DIN
>>> from import DatasetFeat
>>> from libserving.serialization import save_online, online2redis

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetFeat.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = DIN(...)
>>> path = "online_model"
>>> save_online(path, model, version=1)
>>> online2redis(path, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)
$ MODEL_PATH=online_model
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=$(pwd) -e MODEL_BASE_PATH=$(pwd)/${MODEL_PATH} -e MODEL_NAME=${MODEL_NAME} tensorflow/serving:2.8.2
$ sanic sanic_serving.online_deploy:app --dev --access-logs -v --workers 1  # run sanic server

# make requests
$ python --user 1 --n_rec 10 --algo online --user_feats '{"sex": "F", "age": 10}' --seq '[1, 2, 3]'
$ curl -d '{"user": 1, "n_rec": 10, "user_feats": {"sex": "F", "age": 10}, "seq": [1, 2, 3]}' -X POST
# {'Recommend result for user 1': ['1196', '480', '260', '2028', '1198', '1214', '780', '1387', '1291', '1197']}


If the recommendation results don’t change after sending the request, there could be several possible reasons:

  1. You may have misspelled the feature name, e.g., “sex” -> “sax”.

  2. It’s possible that you specified a category that doesn’t exist in the training data, e.g., “sex” -> “bisexual”.

  3. Not all models support assigning features or sequences. For example, If you’re using a pure model such as RNn4Rec or a model that doesn’t utilize behavior sequence such as WideDeep, passing a feature or a sequence won’t have an impact on the results.

  4. The features you modified might not be considered important by the trained model. Consequently, the ranking scores didn’t show significant changes.