
According to the algorithm list, there are some algorithms that can generate user and item embeddings after training. So LibRecommender provides public APIs to get them:

>>> model = RNN4Rec(task="ranking", ...)
>>> model.fit(train_data, ...)
>>> model.get_user_embedding(user=1)  # get user embedding for user 1
>>> model.get_item_embedding(item=2)  # get item embedding for item 2

One can also search for similar users/items based on embeddings. By default, we use nmslib to do approximate similarity searching since it’s generally fast, but some people may find it difficult to build and install the library, especially on Windows platform or Python >= 3.10. So one can fall back to numpy similarity calculation if nmslib is not available.

>>> model = RNN4Rec(task="ranking", ...)
>>> model.fit(train_data, ...)
>>> model.init_knn(approximate=True, sim_type="cosine")
>>> model.search_knn_users(user=1, k=3)
>>> model.search_knn_items(item=2, k=3)

Before searching, one should call init_knn() to initialize the index. Set approximate=True if you can use nmslib, otherwise set approximate=False. The sim_type parameter should either be cosine or inner-product.

Dynamic Embedding Generation#

It is also common to generate user embeddings based on features or behavior sequences. Once the user embedding has been generated, you can use it to perform similarity search with all the item embeddings.

This can be useful in the cold-start scenario, so LibRecommender provides API for dynamic user embeddings:

>>> model = RNN4Rec(task="ranking", norm_embed=True, ...)
>>> model.fit(train_data, ...)
>>> user_embed = model.dyn_user_embedding(user=1, seq=[0, 10])

>>> model2 = YouTubeRetrieval(task="ranking", norm_embed=False, ...)
>>> model2.fit(train_data, ...)
>>> user_embed = model2.dyn_user_embedding(user="cold user", user_feats={"sex": "F"}, seq=[0, 10])