Evaluation & Save/Load#

Evaluate During Training#

The standard procedure in LibRecommender is evaluating during training. However, for some complex models doing full evaluation on eval data can be very time-consuming, so you can specify some evaluation parameters to speed this up.

The default value of eval_batch_size is 8192, and you can use a higher value if you have enough machine or GPU memory. On the contrary, if you encounter memory error during evaluation, try reducing eval_batch_size.

The eval_user_num parameter controls how many users to use in evaluation. By default, it is None, which uses all the users in eval data. You can use a smaller value if the evaluation is slow, and this will sample eval_user_num users randomly from eval data.

    k=10,  # parameter of metrics, e.g. recall at k, ndcg at k

Evaluate After Training#

After the training, one can use the evaluate() function to evaluate on test data directly.

By default, it also won’t update features stored in DataInfo, but you can choose update_features=True to achieve that. Also note if your evaluation data(typically in pandas.DataFrame format) is implicit and only contains positive label, then negative sampling is needed by passing neg_sample=True:

    data = pd.read_csv("sample_data/sample_movielens_merged.csv", sep=",", header=0)
    train, test = split_by_ratio_chrono(data, test_size=0.2)
    eval_result = evaluate(
        metrics=["roc_auc", "precision"],

Save/Load Model#

In general, we may want to save/load a model for two reasons:

  1. Save the model, then load it to make some predictions and recommendations. This is called inference.

  2. Save the model, then load it to retrain the model when we get some new data.

The save/load API mainly deal with the first one, and the retraining problem is quite different, which will be covered in the Model Retrain. When making predictions and recommendations, it may be unnecessary to save all the model variables. So one can pass inference_only=True to only save the essential model part.

After loading the model, one can also evaluate the model directly, see save_load_example.py for typical usages.