Rust Serving Guide#


This guide mainly describes how to serve a trained model in LibRecommender with Rust. A Rust web server is typically much faster than its Python counterpart. In the libserving module, we use Actix, one of the fastest web frameworks in the world. The overall serving procedure in this guide resembles Python Serving Guide, so you’ll need a Redis too. If you are already familiar with Rust, then follow the steps below. Otherwise, you can also use Docker Compose.

Users need to provide three environment variables before starting the server:

  • PORT assigned to the server. In Actix 8080 is commonly used.

  • MODE_TYPE specifies model category used in server. According to Python Serving Guide, the value should be one of knn, embed, tf.

  • WORKERS specifies number of workers used in server.

KNN-based Model#

$ cd LibRecommender/libserving
>>> from libreco.algorithms import ItemCF
>>> from import DatasetPure
>>> from libserving.serialization import knn2redis, save_knn

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetPure.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = ItemCF(...)
>>>  # train model
>>> path = "knn_model"  # specify model saving directory
>>> save_knn(path, model, k=10)  # save model in json format
>>> knn2redis(path, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)  # load json from path and save model to redis
$ cd actix_serving
$ export PORT=8080 MODEL_TYPE=knn WORKERS=8  # assign environment variables

Use either develop or production mode:

$ cargo run --package actix_serving --bin actix_serving  # develop mode
$ cargo build --release  # production mode
$ ./target/release/actix_serving

Note that the "user" parameter in request should be string and the route is knn/recommend :

$ curl -d '{"user": "1", "n_rec": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
# {"rec_list":["1806","1687","3799","807","1303","1860","3847","3616","1696","1859"]}

Embed-based model#

Similar to Python Serving Guide, we use faiss to find similar embeddings. However, faiss can’t be installed directly as in Python, so we use Rust bindings to Faiss. According to the instructions, one should fork the c_api_head branch and build faiss from source manually before including the crate. We should warn you first, this process can be pretty frustrating, and if you get stuck, you can view the Dockerfile-rs file to get some hints:). Or you can just save all these troubles and use Docker Compose.

After successfully installing Rust faiss, i.e. copy the c_api/ and faiss/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the rest is straightforward:

$ cd LibRecommender/libserving
>>> from libreco.algorithms import ALS
>>> from import DatasetPure
>>> from libserving.serialization import embed2redis, save_embed

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetPure.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = ALS(...)
>>>  # train model
>>> path = "embed_model"  # specify model saving directory
>>> save_embed(path, model)  # save model in json format
>>> embed2redis(path, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)  # load json from path and save model to redis
>>> from libserving.serialization import save_faiss_index
>>> save_faiss_index(path, model)  # save faiss index to disk, note this uses python faiss, not rust faiss
$ cd actix_serving
$ export PORT=8080 MODEL_TYPE=embed WORKERS=8  # assign environment variables

Use either develop or production mode:

$ cargo run  # develop mode, this uses rust faiss
$ cargo build --release  # production mode
$ ./target/release/actix_serving

Note that the "user" parameter in request should be string and the route is embed/recommend :

$ curl -d '{"user": "1", "n_rec": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
# {"rec_list":["858","260","2355","1287","527","2371","1220","377","1968","3362"]}

TensorFlow-based model#

$ cd LibRecommender/libserving
>>> from libreco.algorithms import DIN
>>> from import DatasetFeat
>>> from libserving.serialization import save_tf, tf2redis

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetFeat.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = DIN(...)
>>>  # train model
>>> path = "tf_model"  # specify model saving directory
>>> save_tf(path, model, version=1)  # save model in json format
>>> tf2redis(path, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)  # load json from path and save model to redis
$ MODEL_NAME=din # variables for tensorflow serving
$ MODEL_PATH=tf_model
$ sudo docker run --rm -t -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=$(pwd) -e MODEL_BASE_PATH=$(pwd)/${MODEL_PATH} -e MODEL_NAME=${MODEL_NAME} tensorflow/serving:2.8.2  # start tensorflow serving
$ cd actix_serving
$ export PORT=8080 MODEL_TYPE=tf WORKERS=8 # assign environment variables

Use either develop or production mode:

$ cargo run  # develop mode, this uses rust faiss
$ cargo build --release  # production mode
$ ./target/release/actix_serving

Serving with Docker Compose#

In docker-compose-rs.yml file, change the corresponding MODEL_TYPE environment variable. You may also need to change the path of volumes if model is stored in other place. Also, Redis has already been included, so you don’t need a Redis server locally. But one should start the docker compose before saving data to Redis. For example in embed-based models:

$ cd LibRecommender/libserving
>>> from libreco.algorithms import ALS
>>> from import DatasetPure
>>> from libserving.serialization import embed2redis, save_embed

>>> train_data, data_info = DatasetPure.build_trainset(...)
>>> model = ALS(...)
>>>  # train model
>>> path = "embed_model"  # specify model saving directory
>>> save_embed(path, model)  # save model in json format

>>> from libserving.serialization import save_faiss_index
>>> save_faiss_index(path, model)  # save faiss index to disk
$ sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-rs.yml up  # start docker compose, which will load faiss index
>>> embed2redis(path, host="", port=6379, db=0)  # now load json from path and save model to redis
$ curl -d '{"user": "1", "n_rec": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
# {"rec_list":["2628","1552","260","969","2193","733","1573","1917","1037","10"]}

For TensorFlow-based models, TensorFlow Serving config is in docker-compose-tf-serving.yml file, so we need to start them both, and don’t forget to change the MODEL_BASE_PATH and MODEL_NAME environment variables in the file:

$ sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-rs.yml -f docker-compose-tf-serving.yml up
$ curl -d '{"user": "1", "n_rec": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
# {"rec_list":["858","260","2355","1287","527","2371","1220","377","1968","3362"]}